YOU can make a cabinet with sliding doors (part 1 of 2) – DYI furniture project
I build a simple cabinet with sliding doors. Video 1 of 2 shows step-by-step how I made it: Cutting up the wood, doing the dowel-based joinery and cutting the grooves for the backpanel and the sliding doors.
I used sheets of spruce to make this simple sliding-door cabinet. I used dowels (Wolfcraft dowel master) to join the pieces together and a simple sliding-door mechanism with grooves and no extra hardware.
Part 2 will cover the remaining steps: chamfering some edges, dry-fit, glue up and finishing work.
The cabinet is made from spruce sheets that I got from the hardware store. It’s the first real piece of furniture that I’m building so it was exciting to see if everything would go as planned and if I could pull it off to make all parts fit the way they should.
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I used sheets of spruce to make this simple sliding-door cabinet. I used dowels (Wolfcraft dowel master) to join the pieces together and a simple sliding-door mechanism with grooves and no extra hardware.
Part 2 will cover the remaining steps: chamfering some edges, dry-fit, glue up and finishing work.
The cabinet is made from spruce sheets that I got from the hardware store. It’s the first real piece of furniture that I’m building so it was exciting to see if everything would go as planned and if I could pull it off to make all parts fit the way they should.
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## My tools ##
Overview *
Power tools *
Hand tools *
Camera gear *
*) affiliate links
When you buy using an affiliate link you pay the same price as usual – it won’t cost you more! I will get a small percentage of the price from amazon. Thanks for considering this way of supporting me!
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